Jun 29, 2022

Another June summary on the state of USA and perhaps world politics.

In the 19th Century, we did not have the uniformity that we experienced as a nation under the Great Depression and WWII and the growth of the 1950s. Simply put, it did not exist in our great experiment of democracy and diversity. People can argue this all they want, but cognitive scientists and others know that our coherence lay in other directions. (We have always moved toward fairness) Even our Civil Rights Movement in the USA has changed from the philosophies of Martin Luther King which relied on common-humanity identity politics. 'Common interests' was the 'key' in the majority of the 20th century as we faced wars and the Great Depression, and the great changes of becoming world leaders. These values began a decline with the entrenchment of certain trends (I will not label them now) that began on both the Left and Right side of political challenges beginning in the 1970s. 

By 2014, all of this was really over in more ways than I can discuss right now because each trend is its own discussion and this is a general statement about me and a brief summary of where politics are.  Right now, we are fragmented by common enemies, public shaming, and the idea that feelings are more important than reasoning. We are living a battle between what people perceive as "Good people versus Bad people." I am sure there are bad people in the world. I am sure some people need shaming. I am sure that feelings are important. That's NOT what I am writing of here. I am talking of an abuse of power by both sides. "Both sides" is even considered an abusive term these days. And I can see why from social media. Because some of us, including me, feel like we are fighting for our very lives. And we are, especially with Climate Crisis, which seems to be too overwhelming for our economies to challenge. But that won't stop stormy weather or the eventual collapse of many things.

It is true that the Republican Party in the USA has moved so far to the Right that it is willing to discount truth and morality in favor of power and appeasing a political base that has lost its way because of the great changes our society is facing. The sins of the far Left are not as damaging although they do damage, a damage that is hurting young people and will no doubt influence the future in negative ways. Some of this could get really bad. 

And this is where I stand. An outsider with no tribe at all. 

Well, I was an outsider with no tribe at all in high school (perhaps even by the third grade when I challenged many things) so I am emotionally prepared to not be liked or understood or valued and that's okay. I value myself, and am in spite of what I know in my head, a contented human being.

People are complex organisms. They are emotionally gray, meaning most do not rely on black and white thinking all the time. But the truth is, human beings are made for tribalism. It's in our DNA. It's evolution. But we have evolved and we have tools to mitigate the discord and misery that tribalism can do. And right now, we are high in tribalism on both sides over all sorts of things. And it's creating a storm that some will not weather. 

I always err on the side of fairness. I always err on the side of kindness for the weak and powerless when I can. I admit I can be wrong and I can lose my temper and when I do, get out of the way. But that's childish.

This statement is about the fact that I will no longer participate in anything I feel that drags us downward into a social war for power where it is a zero sum game, be it politically or socially, and that includes all identity politics. Common enemy ideology is cruel and can lead to some of the most horrible outcomes ever.  Public shaming and cancel culture are forms of it. Cognitive scientists know this. It would not be used in CBT at all. In fact, this is what Hitler used. And I see people on social media using it all the time. Maybe they are not aware, but some of them are very aware and have chosen it as a tool to fight for justice. And this is where we are at socially.

I can't support that any longer. It would be definitely going backwards socially. And while it might have temporary results, the long arc will be damaged. And I support the big picture, always. Also, I find that it would be akin to selling my soul for the comforts of status on social media, and I can't do that. Since 2014, and that is the year I have chosen for demarcation, I have witnessed cruelties, I have even participated in them. And most of it has been done on social media. Not all.

Last year, 2021, I faced myself with what I know are certain truths, about myself, my country, and fate of the future. I did not do this likely but with a lot of reading, research, thinking, and even asking others for help. And this is where I am now. And where I choose to live my life.

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