Jan 9, 2019

We are our words....

“ We are our words, and black and bruised and blue. Under our skins, we’re laughing. In triste veritas? Take hold, sweet hands, come on… Broken! When you falter, all eludes. This is a seasick way, this almost/never touching, this drawing-off, this to-and-fro. Subtlety stalks in your eyes, your tongue knows what it knows. I want your secrets—I will have them out. Seasick, I drop into the sea. ” — Adrienne Rich, “The Demon Lover”
Art by Gabriel Pacheco

Jan 7, 2019

Quote from The Etched City by K.J. Bishop

“Somewhere there are gardens where peacocks sing like nightingales, somewhere there are caravans of separated lovers traveling to meet each other; there are ruby fires on distant mountains, and blue comets that come in spring like sapphires in the black sky. If this is not so, meet me in the shameful yard, and we will plant a gallows tree, and swing like sad pendulums, never once touching.” 
― K.J. Bishop, The Etched City

Jan 1, 2019

Quote for the New Year

“I do often intend a comic sense, I love a joke, I love the humorous. The name Isak means ‘laughter.’” —Isak Dinesen