Feb 16, 2015

Books I Keep on my Writing Desk This Year

We all forget how much "wonder" is needed for writing a big novel. Well, I forget at times, because when I am looking at a sentence, it's difficult to see the whole book. Same goes for looking at the whole, I can't see the small things and writers know "God is in the details" somewhere. ---the truth is some days are full of wonder and some days, you slough through, just trying to write something close to the vision in your head. You know you won't match a vision, but you try.

Wonderbook is a really gorgeous, fascinating book on writing fantasy, which is what I write.

I promised myself last year that I would keep this book on my writing desk as a stern reminder of what my BIG Goal is as a writer. I have to confess, on bad days, I often forget and sink back into old habits and thinking. So far, this year, I have stayed true.

Staying true to the Big Goal is my 2015 Journey.

Do you have a writing goal? Make a map on how to get there and keep it by your desk as a guide.


  1. I have been reading Just Kids by Patti Smith and was reassured by how often she suffered writers/artists block or doubt! Makes me realise all talented people have moments of doubt, we just have to work at it.

    1. How true. My son loved that book. Sometimes I doubt the very act of writing or pursuing a writing career, which can be worse than doubting my story. But art is always about choices and making good ones and not so good ones. We just have to muddle through those choices and doubts. We have to tout ourselves out there and take risks. You are so young, please be brave. You possess wonderful gifts.

    2. to put ourselves out there. Hands already tired this morning.


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