Nov 12, 2013

Faulkner on home

I wish I was at home, still in the kitchen with my family around me and my hand full of Old Maid cards.

William Faulkner, (when living in Hollywood)


  1. Now, THIS one I've never heard. Faulkner is a SUMMER read, somehow, with a little sweat needed to lubricate and punctuate the words. But this---this is a gentle, personal side he showed to few. He seemed to prosper on irascible.

    I never met Mr. Will, but I did meet Mr. John, one afternoon when he and his helper were dismantling dozens of big wooden shipping frames from around his paintings, which had been lent to a museum/gallery? in Paris, I seem to remember. Courtly and as well-spoken in conversation as Mr. Will on the page.

    But OLD MAID? That image will persevere.


  2. It's certainly an image that sticks. But I heard he love to cook certain things in that old kitchen of his. Very simple kitchen really. He had a little table where he wrote sometimes. Nothing big. Two could sit at it. Reminded me of my Grandmother's kitchen.


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